The iEARN-Moldova Community celebrates International Education Week
In order to celebrate International Education Week, active teachers and students from iEARN-Moldova national network organized a special event in collaboration with Ministry of Education from Republic of Moldova. Over 65 educators from all around our country attended a workshop with presented our most successful iEARN projects and encouraged novice teachers to try to global learning and project based instruction. Olga Morozan, the iEARN Moldova Country Coordinator, continued training a new group of teachers who joined the community following the event.
iEARN-Moldova teachers welcome John Silver, Regional English Language Officer
On October 19 the iEARN-Moldova community organised a special event in the honor of John Silver, Regional English Language Officer, who visited Republic of Moldova to meet most active educators who promote English language instruction in various regions of our country . The Regional English Language Office is a part of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. The main goals of the office are to offer assistance and support to English language professionals in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova, and to enhance mutual understanding between these countries and the United States of America. Resources that this office can provide include materials for language learning, teacher training, and professional development; workshops and seminars to enhance and upgrade English language teaching; short-term American speakers and consultants and assistance with development of curricula, textbooks, and tests. Some of our most active iEARN Moldova master teachers, Natalia Rata, Corina Ceban, Victoria Craciun, Grușca Dumitru and Ina Porubin presented teaching strategies which resulted in successful international collaborations as part of such projects as: My Hero, Learning Circles (Places and Perspectives), Folk Costumes around the World, One Day in the Life. Ray West, President of ”Moldova World Children's Fund” helped hand in teaching materials donated by North Carolina - Moldova Bilateral Partnership. In the evening our team attended a special reception organised by US Embassy to Moldova.
The Celebration of Global Youth Service Day in collaboration with Youth Service America
March-April, 2016
In March, 2016, over 50 educators from various regions of Moldova gathered their forces to involve over 300 students of all ages in the celebration of the Global Youth Service Day initiative. iEARN-Moldova educators coordinated local projects which approached such topics as tolerance, youth empowerment, civic engagement and environmental issues in collaboration with local public authorities and school administration.
iEARN-Moldova International Conference July 7, 2015
On July 7 iEARN Moldova hosted the "iEngage International Conference" event. 12 iEARN master teachers from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine shared from their success stories with iEARN Moldova educators. Several workshops were organised to introduce Moldovan teachers to the concept of online collaborative learning. The Moldovan team learned how to engage in international projects with colleagues from 140 iEARN countries.
Tetyana Sporynina, iEARN master teacher from Ukraine
Dear iEARN Moldova educators! Many thanks for the fine organization and carrying out i-Engage International Teacher Conference in Moldova. We got acquainted with experience of teachers of Moldova, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine. All have the successful experience and interesting methodology of the project work. In the first day we worked in BP Hasdeu Public Library, and the second - and the Academic Lyceum of distance learning of Moldova. We very much liked projects and experience which coordinators and participants of projects shared. A useful experience of work in projects of teachers of Moldova which was presented to us. Also we made friends with pupils from Moldova, project coordinators. The interesting cultural program was submitted. Thanks to organizers, volunteers, guides. Special gratitude to the coordinator of Moldova - Daniela Munca-Aftenev. We are sure that our cooperation will proceed in new joint projects iEARN.
URSU MARIANA, iEARN Moldova educator, Theoretical Lyceum "Vasile Alecsandri" from Clarasi
The conference was a great opportunity to meet new people: nice foreign mentors and English teachers from different districts of Moldova. It was well-organized and exciting. We had the chance to learn more about a lot of interesting projects and experience of those who have participated in iEARN activity for many years. I'm sure that the experience they shared will help us in our furure project implementation.
Luchian Nina, iEARN Moldova educator from Rezina
Thank you very much to all organizers and to all foreign mentors, who have shared their experience with us. We will use all this new information in our future project implementation. iEARN projects will help to develop teachers and students competences.This project gives us the opportunity to have a connection with English teachers from different districts from our country and with teachers and students from other countries.It was a great pleasure to be present at this event.Thanks!
Dear iEARN Moldova educators! Many thanks for the fine organization and carrying out i-Engage International Teacher Conference in Moldova. We got acquainted with experience of teachers of Moldova, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine. All have the successful experience and interesting methodology of the project work. In the first day we worked in BP Hasdeu Public Library, and the second - and the Academic Lyceum of distance learning of Moldova. We very much liked projects and experience which coordinators and participants of projects shared. A useful experience of work in projects of teachers of Moldova which was presented to us. Also we made friends with pupils from Moldova, project coordinators. The interesting cultural program was submitted. Thanks to organizers, volunteers, guides. Special gratitude to the coordinator of Moldova - Daniela Munca-Aftenev. We are sure that our cooperation will proceed in new joint projects iEARN.
URSU MARIANA, iEARN Moldova educator, Theoretical Lyceum "Vasile Alecsandri" from Clarasi
The conference was a great opportunity to meet new people: nice foreign mentors and English teachers from different districts of Moldova. It was well-organized and exciting. We had the chance to learn more about a lot of interesting projects and experience of those who have participated in iEARN activity for many years. I'm sure that the experience they shared will help us in our furure project implementation.
Luchian Nina, iEARN Moldova educator from Rezina
Thank you very much to all organizers and to all foreign mentors, who have shared their experience with us. We will use all this new information in our future project implementation. iEARN projects will help to develop teachers and students competences.This project gives us the opportunity to have a connection with English teachers from different districts from our country and with teachers and students from other countries.It was a great pleasure to be present at this event.Thanks!
iEARN National Workshop September 26, 2016
On September 26, 2015, iEARN teachers from various regions of Moldova attended the first project workshop in Chisnau to learn about the opportunities offered by project based instruction. iEARN trainers Olga Morozan, Corina Ceban and Daniela Munca-Aftenev moderated several sessions on how to use iEARN forums, how to find international partners through the iEARN network, how to plan and implement a successful online project and how to use all the iEARN project resources in an efficient manner. Ludmila Bilevschi, Alumni and Speakers Programs Specialist at US Embassy to Moldova, attended the event.